Arrival and Dismissal Information
Attendance Line: (405) 726-5060
Student drop off begins at 8:50 and classes begin promptly at 9:15 a.m. All students should be in their designated places when the bell rings. Students not present at that time, will be counted tardy. Tardies will be unexcused unless the office is notified that the student will be late or they are signed in by a parent/guardian. We do not count a student tardy if they are late due to a school bus or daycare.
School dismissal begins at 3:50 p.m. If your student is a car rider, please make sure that you have your car rider tag hanging from your rear-view mirror. If you need a new one, they are available in the office. Students will not be released to adults that do not have a school-issued car tag. Also, students will not be released to anyone who is not on the contact list, unless we are notified in advance by the parent/guardian. Students must be picked up no later than 3:55 p.m. If a student has not been picked up by the required time, they will be brought inside to the office and a parent/guardian will be called.