Brittant Decker, new Redbud Assistant Principal flyer with a picture of her and  Rocky, the mascot

Please give a warm welcome to Brittany Decker, Redbud's new Assistant Principal. Working in Edmond Public Schools for the past 11 years, Brittany begins the transition into her Administrative career ready to lead and serve our Roadrunner family.

We also want to wish our former Assistant Principal Lauren Cluck, all the best in her new role as Assistant Principal at Chisholm Elementary. Lauren has been a Roadrunner from the beginning and will be extremely missed. We look

forward to seeing all the wonderful things she does for the Chisholm community.

With a passion for developing strong relationships, Brittany is eager to work hand in hand with students, families, and colleagues as we continue our district's mission to serve our community with an emphasis on collaboration, belonging, hope, and integrity.

Welcome to the Redbud family Brittany, we are glad to have you here!